2023/7/22(Fri)〜 8/6(Sun)
Closed on Sun〜Tues (with exception of the last exhibiting day (8.6 Sun)
13:00 – 19:00
CALM & PUNK GALLERY is pleased to present “ZOR,” a group show of three artists, JACKSON kaki, toiret status, and Petra Szemán, from 7/22 (Sat) ~ 8/6 (Sun), 2023.
Revolving around virtual reality, HMD (Head Mount Display), and other related technology, the focal point of this exhibition questions possible expressions and interpretations of this medium.
JACKSON kaki, whose primary medium is 3DCG, explores other extensions such as filmmaking, sound, and performance to create multi-media works. toiret status extracts sound samples from previously consumed movies, music, games, and field recordings and applies them in beat-making production. Petra Szemán employs visual sceneries found in animation and video games and integrates them into immersive experiential works. Together, these 3 artists utilize virtual reality manufacturing technology, unveiling alternative notions and scapes by bringing forth various interpretations and expressions whilst involving surrounding spaces and media into it.
We hope you will take this opportunity to view the exhibition.
Exhibition Statement
June 2023, Apple officially announces its sales for the new series head mount display, [Apple Vision Pro]. In the description of this product, words such as AR, MR, or XR are omitted, and it is defined as a [Spatial Computer]. [Virtual Reality], a digital scape that encloses us in a specific environment, evolves based on the words we use to associate it with.
Examples of such words are metaverse, cyberspace, avatar, virtual, etc. Our concept and understanding of such words differ from individual to individual. I find this phenomenon an interesting point. Virtual reality encompasses a multitude of unknowns. At times, we approach its existence with fear; at other times, we greet it with happiness. We attempt to gauge an appropriate distance with it by drifting away or inching towards it.
It is this sort of virtual reality that probes us to inquire about the invisible relationship we share with it, hence the birth of the project [ZOR]. [ZOR] in Morse code translates to [please only send points]. The smallest unit of measurement that constructs 3DCG data is called a [Verticle]. In a 3-dimensional context, we can refer to it as an invisible virtual point. Links between these virtual points make up lines and surfaces and consequently produce virtual reality. What can we conceive through imagination based on an assembly of data? Not restricted to visual-fine arts but also inclusive of music, literature, theater, design, cinema, etc., and other diverse art fields, this project attempts to dissect the usage of words such as [virtual] and [metaverse] and collate possible images that are derived from this linguistic culture. This process is the project’s cornerstone to expand the relationship between humans, virtual, and technology. And finally, using this methodology to build new possibilities and interpretations democratically, the project’s goal is to become a continuous platform that looks toward the future.
Born in Shizuoka Prefecture, 1996.
Currently a Master’s student at the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences.
DJ/VJ, artist, filmmaker, and graphic designer. The main mediums of expression are VR/AR, 3DCG, film, installation, DJ, sound, performance, etc., and are incorporated into multi-media works.
JACKSON kaki is the main organizer and participating artist of [ZOR]. In utilizing metaverse/virtual reality, his practice pursues and engages in human and environmental transformations that are influenced by technology.
As a curator, he curated the event direction of [Imaginary Line], a group exhibition held on an entire floor of the Shibuya-based club, [CONTACT], in 2022. The following year, he co-curated with non-syntax on Video/Sound/Performance for EASTEAST_TOKYO 2023.
Major Exhibitions/ Performances
MUTEK.JP 2021 (Stream Hall, 2021)
Imaginary Line (CONTACT, 2022)
Unsound Festival (Krakow, Poland 2022)
EASTEAST_TOKYO 2023 (科学技術館, 2023)
Supernatural LABO (BE AT STUDIO HARAJUKU, 2023)
境界の泉|2022|JACKSON kaki
Incarnated Avater|2023|JACKSON kaki
toiret status
Lives in Yamaguchi prefecture.
Started music making in 2015.
Mainly focusing on the theme, [let bygones be bygones], his practice uses analogies such as works presented as a meal, digestion, excretion, and finally, washing.
The artist often extracts sound samples from previously consumed movies, music, games, and field recordings and applies them in beat-making production.
Starting with his first album, “◎omaru◎,” released on the cutting-edge US label Orange Milk in 2016, he has released a series of albums, mainly on overseas labels, and was selected as [Best of the Year] by US media, TINY MIX TAPES, in 2017 and Best Tape Of 2021 by London media, The Quietus, in 2021.
He also participated in Mutant Promis’s and EBM(T)’s programs at Somerset House in London in 2021, composed music for visual artist Kai Yoshizawa’s solo exhibition “Post Matter,” and participated in the Biennale “ISKRA DELTA” in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
OTOHIME|2020 |Art by Seth Graham|toiret status
brue|2021| Art by Kai Yoshizawa|toiret status
Petra Szemán
Born in Hungary, Budapest, 1994.
An artist who employs visual sceneries found in animation and video games to mainly create immersive experiential works that blur the line between reality and fiction.
[Yourself], a character protagonist often featured in her works, is modeled after the artist. Within the works, this protagonist traverses varied digital realms whilst exploring the boundaries lying between these realms and the situations that are triggered within them. Through this practice, Szemán attempts to decipher the formation of memories and self-image in today’s present setting, which is on-and-off screen fiction-saturated modern day.
Openings !!! |2022|Petra Szemán