November 21th / 22th / 24 th ,2016
12:00 – 19:00
November 18th (Fri)
SO Gallery
Calm & Punk Gallery is very delighted to announce that we will hold a solo exhibition “オートバイでの蝶” by a graffiti artist Saeio on November 21,22,24, 2017.
It is young elephanto are heavy eyelids
2 butterfly paper, they only move very rarely,
since it is the shadows that the background move.
This mirrored skin that smells of vanilla,
with time becomes gray then disappears; The days of fine reflections can be confusing glare reveals some erasures.
and the glare reveals some erasures.
If you touch it, it crumbles like a strawberry,
inside her big eyelids of chocolate,
heavy with skin, water and flour,
as large as a human powder;
Its eye in gel of high quality turquoise,
pupil, black, round and matte;
Their lifetime is almost as short as a screen,
or much less than a blink;
They sometimes take advantage of it, to be painted by chance; According to the seasons and it is signs of color.
C’est jeunes elephanto sont des lourdes
2 paupières en papier de papillon,
elles ne ce déplace que trés rarement,
puisque ce sont les ombres qui la fond bouger.
Cette peau de miroire qui sent la vanille,
avec le temps devient grise puit disparait;
les jours de beaux temps les reflets peuvent
porter à confusion et l’ébluouissement laisse
transparaitre certains effacements.
Si vous la touchée elle ce froise en fraise,
à l’interieur de sa grosses paupières de chocolat,
lourdes de peau, d’eau et de farine,
aussi grande qu’un humain de poudre;
son oeil en gel de haute qualité turquoise,
à la pupille, noire, ronde et mat;
Leur durée de vie est quasiment aussi
courte que c’elle d’un écran,
ou beaucoup moins qu’un clignotement;
elles en profitent parfois,
pour être fardées par hasard;
en fonction des saisons et c’est signes de couleur.
Saeio Intervew on Online Magazine SHIFT
SAEIO (born in 1987 in Paris. He lives and works in Paris)
At SAEIO graffiti is a formal reality, a commitment in the world which means freedom.Free and genuine spontaneity and radicalism thwart the codes of graffiti to exceed the limits within which a new approach to painting can be done. His thought process as “an enlarged pictorial practice” abolishes the border art / life but also between disciplines.
SAEIO has recently introduced its practice and concept of painting in art institutions. The paradox of this passage of illegality to legality, from the street to the museum, the graffiti at the idea of graffiti from the crowd at a public, collective to the individual, interaction with its possible loss feed home new questions and lines of research that generates new visual inventions.