2019.03.23.Sat – 04.07.Sun
12:00 – 19:00
Closed on Sunday,Monday
except on last Sunday.
2019.03.22.Fri 19:00 – 21:00
In 1983 the Kudcom™ pharmaceutical company experienced a psychoactive chemical leak at it’s EK10 plant in the woodlands of the Schtrumpfland district: (incident .09976).
The consequential local contamination and the extent of the surreal behavioural affects on the indigenous wildlife and, more notably, the Smurf population were extensively covered up by the Kudcom™ Corp with the aid of the local authorities.
Daniel Sparkes (born England 1980) works in the genre of Comic Abstraction, applying interventions to the mundane fabric of life by injecting it with dark painted and drawn motifs. The quotidian becomes a vehicle for social commentary as Sparkes corrupts found images with painterly cartoonish forms that falter stylistically between Dr Seuss, Philip Guston and bunker architecture.
This ‘gallows subversion’ induces an arcane, yet awkwardly recognisable visual language that infuse his images with equal amounts of outrage and wonder.
Sparkes has been nominated for the prestigious Jerwood drawing prize, created artwork for brands such as Nike, Givenchy and Warp Records and exhibited extensively across Europe and the United States.
10 limited special Candle works that produced with “OLGA-goosecandle-”
will be sold at the venue.
-about Candle works-
Snake/dog= Nature the the organic/supernatural threat, to a community.
Has already consumed the house symbol of social culture.
The Smurf is inside its house invisible inside the snake/dog.
Tension: the head of the dog is poised by the door in its own body eating for the emergence/ birth/ escape of the Smurf through the door in its own body.
While it is waiting has it consumed part of its own tail.?
OLGA-goosecandle- is a Japanese candle brand that is all handmade.
The concept is “a tool for ceremonies, a toy for all sorts”.
Each candle character has a special and Magic spell word.
In addition to the brand’s original collection,it also collaborate with various artists.